Welcome to My Website

Hey, welcome to my site. I hope you enjoy your stay.

April 24th, 2007

I had this one government homework to go and find a current event so we could "discuss in class" (another way for wasting time in class, but hey who's complaining?). Anyhow, when I was searching www.NYTimes.com I found this very very interesting topic in the Technologies section. Apparently, they found a new pill that eliminates the period which is getting mixed reviews. That's it. Why in the world is it getting mixed reviews? COME ON, all guys who have sisters or anyone who knows girls, KNOWS how bad PMS is. Ladies, I know also, periods suck soooo bad. I think this new tool is awesome and needs to be advocated. Period.

April 23th, 2007

So recently, most people have already heard of Virginia Tech. For me really I'm not at all sorry for the killer and his intentions at all. It seems pretty clear to me that he was completely and utterly insane. The people who I feel really sad for is the family of the killer as they are the ones who really suffer. I hope they get through this complete mess out of it okay. And oh yea, I hope the family of the victims are doing alright. An interesting note is "What happens to all those people who were about to go to Virginia Tech in the upcoming school year."

April 22th, 2007

Hey today is the first day I'm starting to work on my website here in Graphic Arts. It seems to be doing all right as I am learning "html", but hey it's fine by me.